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Pengelly Garden Centre

Climbers For Cornish Gardens And Beyond

passion flower

Climbers For All situations

Useful plants to clothe walls, pergolas or simply pots with an obelisk in them. The range is large, we can usually suggest something for most situations, from vigorous Clematis montana to beautifully scented Trachelospermum or a choice Araujia seracifera for a sheltered corner.

exuberance galore

Don't forget the roses, honeysuckle and exuberant but gloriously decadent passion flowers to name but a few. And some are less about flowers and more about the most eye-catching foliage, such as ornamental grapevines, and Virginia creeper.
garden centre climbing plants

Helping your climber climb

We have all the associated accoutrements to aid your climbing plant: obelisks in a variety of sizes, shapes, colours and materials, plus wire and vine eyes for attaching climbers to the wall. Trellis is also available in various styles and colours to suit your taste.